Getting wireless working in vista sucks. I’d rather BITE MY OWN ARM OFF. What gives?
Getting vista to accept a non-signed device driver sucks. What gives?
Getting the Group Policy editor to work sucked (had to remove system policy file).
I was running on battery power until my computer died, and vista never even told me.
It just sat there and then shut off, degrading the capacity of my battery further. What gives?
30 GB volume, I barely have anything on it and it’s got 10 GB free. What gives?
Right this moment I have a restart pending for reconfiguration and a program that says “Cancel pending.. Please wait.. This may take several minutes. Please do not exit from this operation.” (Not like I can exit, or anything.) What gives?
Installing the windows update for my video card caused it to shut off and not start up anymore: boot = windows failure = poweroff. Safe mode to the rescue. What gives?
Point of Note: I still don’t have wireless working. At all. It connects to my router, and that’s it. Its dumb ass can’t get an address from DHCP, when everything else (including older versions of Windows) can.
I choose Bite my Own Arm Off. It really would be less painful and time-consuming.
I believe I’ve restarted this thing 30 times in configuration.
For some reason, Vista boots through GRUB?
Not even kidding. My Grub -> Vista GRLDR -> Vista BootMgr.
I don’t remember installing that. Is that legal?
It appears GRLDR is a giant GRUB binary. It contains the stage1, stage2, every stage1.5 AND a menu.lst configuration file, all in one. Neat.
Anyway, I’m staying up all night or something.